Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 8: Delegation Day

     Today, we woke up super early and headed to the city bus stop. It was definitely interesting to say the least! We got off the bus and headed to the metro, which was my first experience! We got off the subway and headed to the Pentagon. My favorite part of the Pentagon was probably the 9-11 Memorial dedicated to all the workers of the Pentagon that lost their life on  9-11. After the Pentagon, we got on another metro and headed to lunch. After lunch, we walked to a souvenir store where we bought some souvenirs.

     Then we headed to the Ford's Theatre, where we toured where President Lincoln was assassinated.
The group was first in line to visit Ford's Theater.
Waiting in line to enter Ford's Theater.
The delegates viewed the Presidential Box where Lincoln was assassinated.
      We then parted into two groups and some of us went to the Holocaust Museum, while others went to Air and Space Museum and another Smithsonian Museum. On the way to the Holocaust Museum, we stopped at FroYo which is kind of like our Orange Leaf. The Holocaust Museum was pretty emotional, especially some of the pictures they showed us.
Visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum.
     After the Holocaust Museum, we headed to the Metro again and met the other group, where we headed back to the 4-H Center. We hopped off the Metro and  got on the city bus. After we got back to the 4-HCenter, we had dinner, then headed to the last delegation meeting.  After the delegation meeting, there was a talent show where we had one perform on the piano and one helping with running the talent show. There was a short meeting afterwards, where the PA's handed out "we're glad you came awards."  The Kansas delegation was awarded "the most musically gifted John Otis Hall" award.
Farewell picture with the Virginia delegation who shared our bus for the week.

Delegation wrap-up meeting and saying goodbye to our Program Assistant, John.
Watching the talent show and closing ceremony.
Delegates performing in the talent show.
      Following the talent show was a dance. Overall, it was a really great day!


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