Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 6: Visit to Capitol Hill and Twilight Tattoo

     We started out the day with a healthy breakfast. Our breakfast menu was eggs, bacon, turkey, sausage, biscuits and gravy, donuts, and an apple. Since we were going to visit our legislators we all wore our matching green 4-H polos and khakis. We headed for the bus and then proceeded to Capitol Hill.
4-Hers dressed in matching polos to meet legislators on Capitol Hill.
     We went to the Library of Congress. There we toured the whole place looking at books and pictures of our country's history.  We all agreed that the Library was the most beautiful building that we had seen so far this week. 
Touring the ornate Library of Congress.
     We went to meet our Kansas Representative, Lynn Jenkins. When we met Rep. Jenkins we presented her with a folder of 4-H information.  She told us that she had been a 4-H member herself in Jackson County.  We talked to her about why we were in Washington DC, and 4-H, and what CWF means.
4-Hers met with Representative Lynn Jenkins.
     After visiting Rep. Jenkins, we were lucky enough to get a tour of the Capitol. In the tour we saw the Rotunda in the center of the Capitol.  We learned that the Rotunda is where the presidents had laid in state before their funeral.  We also learned that each state can have two statues in the Capitol.
U.S. Capitol Building.

Guided tour of the U.S. Capitol Building.
     Next,we met with our Kansas Senator, Jerry Moran. He told us about a bill he had been working on which was the Farm Bill.  All of the Senators had been working on amendments to the Farm Bill today.  Also, Sen. Moran told us that he and the others had been working on the Child Labor Law which included kids working on farms.  The bill came out successful for the cause Moran was fighting for.
4-Hers met with Senator, Jerry Moran.
     After dinner at Union Station we took a bus to Fort Meyer. There we enjoyed the Twilight Tattoo. The Twilight Tattoo recognized soldiers from the Revolutionary War all the way to our war today, which is Afghanistan. After the show we were able to go and visit the soldiers on the field and take pictures with each soldier.
Twilight Tattoo presentation featuring soldiers throughout U.S. history.
4-Hers pose with Twilight Tattoo performer.
     Then afterwards we came to the 4-H Center and found a natural disaster in Tristan and Patrick's room after a bird flew in from a window and disposed his waste in the middle of the floor.

     Tristan and I strongly felt that today was the most informational day about our country's history.  We thought the scenery was the best in the Capitol buildings. Today was one of the best days for experiences, cause we probably wouldn't get another chance for the experiences we got today. 

Kyle and Tristan

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