Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 3: Arrival in Washington D.C.

     Today we took a three hour Amtrak train ride from New York's Penn Station to Union Station in Washington D.C.  On the train we met the New York female lacrosse team. We talked with them for a long time.  Once we got off of the train one of the girls dropped her phone down onto the train track.

     After that we left on a charter bus and headed to the National Marine Corps Museum.
National Marine Corps Museum.
4-Hers viewed exhibits at the museum.

4-Hers touched a beam from the World Trade Center so they would always remember.

4-Hers touched a stone from the attack on the Pentagon for remembrance.

     When we were done there we left and came to the National 4-H center to begin the Citizenship Washington Focus workshop.  The delegates from eight states went to an opening meeting and then we split up into our different committee groups and went through the classes.

4-Hers met with their Program Assistant upon arrival at the National 4-H Center.

      After that we went to the pin trade and picked up numbers. Now we are about to go to sleep.
The group wore their purple Kansas shirts to the pin exchange and had a delegation huddle before bedtime.

Kurtis and Blake

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