Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 4: Committee Meetings and Nightview of Washington D.C.

     We woke up bright and early in the morning and went on a tour of Mt. Vernon and Iwo Jima Memorial.
4-Hers visited Mount Vernon--George Washington's Estate.
View from the back of Mount Vernon, overlooking the Potomac River.

     As we toured the Iwo Jima Memorial, we saw the six marines that raised the flag.
Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial.

     After lunch at the 4-H Center we all attended a Bill Writing Workshop and committee meetings.  We met many people from all over the United States...the Virginia kids were by far our favorite.  At the Bill Writing Workshop we wrote and finished bills to pass for the Mock Congressional session upcoming later in the week.  Later in the day we had the Talent Show Auditions. Dakota is one of many producers of the show and Kyle is the host of the show and a producer.

     After dinner we went on a night tour of DC. We saw many monuments including: Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean, WWII, and Thomas Jefferson Memorials.
4-Hers enjoyed a night view of Washington D.C. with the Washington Monument in the background.
World War II Memorial.
Delegates standing by the Kansas pillar at the World War II Memorial.
Vietnam Memorial.
Program Assistant, John, talked to the delegates about the Lincoln Memorial.
      That finished off day four of our CWF trip.

-Hallie and Dakota!(:

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