Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 1: CWF 4-Hers Arrive in New York

4-Hers leaving Kansas City.  All accounted for and through security!

     We were all very excited to go on the trip we have been anticipating for 2 years now. It was a very early morning for all of us and by the time we go on the plane most people were very sleepy, but I was not. It was my first time flying and to say I had some jitters might have been a bit of an understatement. I had heard by many people the worst part of flying was the take off and the landing. So I was expecting the worst and started freaking out basically. Once we actually took off it was not nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. I was thinking, "Oh is that really it?" Once we reached 30,000 feet above the earth I was enchanted by the picturesque scenery below. It was wonderful to see all of the tiny houses that looked like salt and pepper on the plate of the earth. Then we kept on going up a little farther and the clouds looked like beautiful ice sculptures molded by God. I spent most of the flight in thought looking out of the window.

4-Hers visiting Rescue Station 1.  Several firemen from the station were lost on September 11th.

     Once we arrived in New York we had to find our bus which took a while. After finding it we went to the emergency responding center that helped at ground zero with the terrorist attacks of 9/11. They were wonderful gentleman who are very brave and have a dangerous task everyday. They made me think about everything I can take for granted in life. After the tour we also all received free T-shirts. It was a memorable experience.

4-Hers enjoyed a seafood dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp.
     Then we went back to the hotel and unpacked. Next on the agenda was Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. We all found the perfect seafood dish for our liking and had a great time with the waiters who quizzed us on our knowledge of the legendary movie Forest Gump.
4-Hers at the top of the Empire State Building.
View from the top of the Empire State Building at sunset.  A great ending to our first day!
     After we went back to the hotel and waited for our bus to take us to the tour of the Empire State Building. It was a bit of a process to get to the top, but once we did it was well worth it. We all stood in awe of the wonderful spectacle. After that we went back to the hotels excited for the next day.


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