Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 7: Congressional Session and Cultural Heritage Night

     Today was a mixed bag of really fun events.  4-Hers started the day by going to strategy workshops to meet with their respective mock representative delegates to form an opinion on the bills that had been written this week at the 4-H Center.
     Next, we went to the National Cathedral and were led on a thirty minute tour through massive buttresses and hallways.  The amazing architectural work is powerful.
National Cathedral.
Architectural work inside the National Cathedral.
4-Hers touring the National Cathedral.

      We then headed back to the 4-H Center for lunch, which was then followed by the Mock Congressional Session.  The congressional session was an experience in and of itself.  Just as soon as we were about to commence, the power went out and we were left in the dark.  So, we pulled open the blinds and let God's light in and continued.  There were four bills that were presented, discussed, debated, and voted on.  The topics of the bills included child labor on farms, renewable and non-renewable energy, art education spending, and food labeling restrictions.  The only bill that was passed was the renewable and non-renewable energy bill.  All of the other bills were struck down.
4-Hers participating in the Mock Congressional Session.
      The next and final event of the day was Cultural Heritage Night.  For this night, the delegates of the Frontier District had a walk through tour of the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts.
4-Hers pose for a delegation picture on top of the Kennedy Center.
     Next, we gathered 'round the fireside for a merry old meal at a tavern they call Gadsby's Tavern in Old Alexandria Town.  Gadsby's Tavern is a historical tavern that George Washington frequently visited between Washington DC and his home in Mount Vernon.  The fare was quite well and ranged from roasted poultry and seafood dishes to lamb and bison steak.  Everyone most definitely ate, drank, and was merry.  The entertainment of the evening was brought to us by none other than Sir Hall  himself.  He was a rather elderly looking fellow that was sharp as a tack and very quick-witted, entertaining us throughout the night with historical facts, quick jokes, and wonderful music on his lyre.  Good fun was had by all!
4-Hers enjoyed dinner at Gadsby's Tavern and entertainment from Sir Hall.


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