Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 10: Returing from Washington DC and Reflections

CWF delegates leaving Washington D.C. to return home.
     Thirteen 4-H delegates from the Frontier Extension District participated in the 2012 Citizenship Washington Focus workshop in Washington DC with 4-H delegates from seven other states.  The week long workshop held at the National 4-H Center was about understanding the democratic process and civic responsibilities.  Rather than learning about citizenship, leadership, and community involvement from a textbook, the 4-Hers had an experiential classroom in Washington DC.  Time was spent visiting legislators on Capitol Hill, as well as studying history by visiting monuments, memorials, and government buildings.  About half of the workshop time was spent at the National 4-H Center, where each 4-Her served on a committee for the week.  The committees focused on healthy living, communication, government, open-mindedness, talent, and responsibility.  They also learned about how a bill becomes a law, debated four current issues in a mock congressional session, and developed an action plan for back home.

     The trip was the result of several months of fundraising and preparation.  When asked to share some of their experiences on the flight back home, the delegates had many things to say:
     "We went through a lot to get to go on this trip, but it really was worth it!  We learned from all the fundraising that if you work hard enough, and you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.  We can especially appreciate the hard work when we can get something out of it in return."

     "The two years that I fundraised were definitely worth it once we got to New York and got to go see the Broadway play, and when we got to Washington D.C. and saw all the monuments and the Capitol Building."

     "I learned from this trip that you can do anything and go anywhere.  It may just take time for things you want to do."

     "We didn't just learn about all the great people before us, we learned leadership and other skills when we were there.  We will take these skills back home and put them to use."

     "We have learned a lot over the past 10 days.  Before we came, we had nooo idea how to even begin writing a bill or do an action plan.  We also got to do a lot of things that people usually don't get to do."

     "The reason I absolutely loved this trip was because I love meeting new people and getting out of my shell."

     "I learned a lot during this trip like becoming a leader, standing up for what is right, and being a good citizen."

     "I went on this trip to learn and explore the history of our country.  I feel this trip was definitely worth all the work it took to be able to go."

     "Every second of this trip I treasured and learned something.  I learned a lot about our government and was able to meet our Senator and Representative.  I learned more about bills and action plans and about the history of our country.  The other thing that I was able to learn from is to be even more open-minded and have a more worldly view."

     "We learned how to write and pass a bill.  We made an action plan to take back home and put into place in our community, and many more things."

     "I really enjoyed this trip.  These last two years really made up because of all the fun we had.  I wish we could do it again."

     "We got to see so much and experience a lot too!  We got to interact and meet people from all across the United States, not to mention see monuments and meet some of our state's legislators."

     "The trip has been absolutely amazing.  I loved getting to see all the historical sites and meeting people from different states."
     "On this trip I learned how to be a better citizen and how a congressional session works.  Touring the Capital was the best."

     "In the end I think that the time we put in was worth the whole trip."

     "My favorite part was the Holocaust Museum.  It was breathtaking.  There was so much I didn't even know went on."

     "I think anyone that has the opportunity to go on the CWF trip should go, because it's a once in a lifetime trip!"

     It was my pleasure to work with this outstanding group of young people as they worked together to raise the funds to finance the CWF trip, and then to serve as one of the chaperones.  I loved seeing the 4-Hers grow, experience new things, and develop the life skills that the 4-H program promotes.  I was honored to get to know each of the delegates a little better as we traveled, and as they each contributed to this blog.  I wish them the very best in the future and hope that their experiences these past ten days will inspire them to do great things in their club, community, country, and world.

     Well, another successful CWF trip has come to its conclusion.  I think I can speak for everyone and say that when we parted at the airport, we were sorry to go our separate ways.  We started out two years ago as delegates and chaperones from Osage County.  We gained some members and lost members and after one year added three friends from Franklin County and became the Frontier District CWF delegates.  What started out as a loose bunch of 4-Hers became a close little family.  And like most families, we had our ups and downs, but became close friends as time went by.  Everyone learned something and became better 4-Hers and citizens because of the experience.  I’m glad I had a part in this and am already planning for CWF 2014.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 9: Fun in the Sun in Ocean City, Maryland

     Today we went to a beach at Ocean City, Maryland.  It was a great change from walking around Washington DC to just laying out on the beach or playing in the ocean. The boardwalk was absolutely amazing! There were so many shops and places to eat. Us girls had a blast shopping and laying out catching some rays. The boys loved riding the waves. It was fun just to be able to not have to worry about hurrying up to catch the train, or having to be at a specific place and time.
Headquarters for the day...and keepers of the bags!
Enjoying the sun and sand in Ocean City!
Ready to leave the beach after a great day!
     Even though the historical sites were incredible, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we had a great time at the beach!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 8: Delegation Day

     Today, we woke up super early and headed to the city bus stop. It was definitely interesting to say the least! We got off the bus and headed to the metro, which was my first experience! We got off the subway and headed to the Pentagon. My favorite part of the Pentagon was probably the 9-11 Memorial dedicated to all the workers of the Pentagon that lost their life on  9-11. After the Pentagon, we got on another metro and headed to lunch. After lunch, we walked to a souvenir store where we bought some souvenirs.

     Then we headed to the Ford's Theatre, where we toured where President Lincoln was assassinated.
The group was first in line to visit Ford's Theater.
Waiting in line to enter Ford's Theater.
The delegates viewed the Presidential Box where Lincoln was assassinated.
      We then parted into two groups and some of us went to the Holocaust Museum, while others went to Air and Space Museum and another Smithsonian Museum. On the way to the Holocaust Museum, we stopped at FroYo which is kind of like our Orange Leaf. The Holocaust Museum was pretty emotional, especially some of the pictures they showed us.
Visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum.
     After the Holocaust Museum, we headed to the Metro again and met the other group, where we headed back to the 4-H Center. We hopped off the Metro and  got on the city bus. After we got back to the 4-HCenter, we had dinner, then headed to the last delegation meeting.  After the delegation meeting, there was a talent show where we had one perform on the piano and one helping with running the talent show. There was a short meeting afterwards, where the PA's handed out "we're glad you came awards."  The Kansas delegation was awarded "the most musically gifted John Otis Hall" award.
Farewell picture with the Virginia delegation who shared our bus for the week.

Delegation wrap-up meeting and saying goodbye to our Program Assistant, John.
Watching the talent show and closing ceremony.
Delegates performing in the talent show.
      Following the talent show was a dance. Overall, it was a really great day!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 7: Congressional Session and Cultural Heritage Night

     Today was a mixed bag of really fun events.  4-Hers started the day by going to strategy workshops to meet with their respective mock representative delegates to form an opinion on the bills that had been written this week at the 4-H Center.
     Next, we went to the National Cathedral and were led on a thirty minute tour through massive buttresses and hallways.  The amazing architectural work is powerful.
National Cathedral.
Architectural work inside the National Cathedral.
4-Hers touring the National Cathedral.

      We then headed back to the 4-H Center for lunch, which was then followed by the Mock Congressional Session.  The congressional session was an experience in and of itself.  Just as soon as we were about to commence, the power went out and we were left in the dark.  So, we pulled open the blinds and let God's light in and continued.  There were four bills that were presented, discussed, debated, and voted on.  The topics of the bills included child labor on farms, renewable and non-renewable energy, art education spending, and food labeling restrictions.  The only bill that was passed was the renewable and non-renewable energy bill.  All of the other bills were struck down.
4-Hers participating in the Mock Congressional Session.
      The next and final event of the day was Cultural Heritage Night.  For this night, the delegates of the Frontier District had a walk through tour of the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts.
4-Hers pose for a delegation picture on top of the Kennedy Center.
     Next, we gathered 'round the fireside for a merry old meal at a tavern they call Gadsby's Tavern in Old Alexandria Town.  Gadsby's Tavern is a historical tavern that George Washington frequently visited between Washington DC and his home in Mount Vernon.  The fare was quite well and ranged from roasted poultry and seafood dishes to lamb and bison steak.  Everyone most definitely ate, drank, and was merry.  The entertainment of the evening was brought to us by none other than Sir Hall  himself.  He was a rather elderly looking fellow that was sharp as a tack and very quick-witted, entertaining us throughout the night with historical facts, quick jokes, and wonderful music on his lyre.  Good fun was had by all!
4-Hers enjoyed dinner at Gadsby's Tavern and entertainment from Sir Hall.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 6: Visit to Capitol Hill and Twilight Tattoo

     We started out the day with a healthy breakfast. Our breakfast menu was eggs, bacon, turkey, sausage, biscuits and gravy, donuts, and an apple. Since we were going to visit our legislators we all wore our matching green 4-H polos and khakis. We headed for the bus and then proceeded to Capitol Hill.
4-Hers dressed in matching polos to meet legislators on Capitol Hill.
     We went to the Library of Congress. There we toured the whole place looking at books and pictures of our country's history.  We all agreed that the Library was the most beautiful building that we had seen so far this week. 
Touring the ornate Library of Congress.
     We went to meet our Kansas Representative, Lynn Jenkins. When we met Rep. Jenkins we presented her with a folder of 4-H information.  She told us that she had been a 4-H member herself in Jackson County.  We talked to her about why we were in Washington DC, and 4-H, and what CWF means.
4-Hers met with Representative Lynn Jenkins.
     After visiting Rep. Jenkins, we were lucky enough to get a tour of the Capitol. In the tour we saw the Rotunda in the center of the Capitol.  We learned that the Rotunda is where the presidents had laid in state before their funeral.  We also learned that each state can have two statues in the Capitol.
U.S. Capitol Building.

Guided tour of the U.S. Capitol Building.
     Next,we met with our Kansas Senator, Jerry Moran. He told us about a bill he had been working on which was the Farm Bill.  All of the Senators had been working on amendments to the Farm Bill today.  Also, Sen. Moran told us that he and the others had been working on the Child Labor Law which included kids working on farms.  The bill came out successful for the cause Moran was fighting for.
4-Hers met with Senator, Jerry Moran.
     After dinner at Union Station we took a bus to Fort Meyer. There we enjoyed the Twilight Tattoo. The Twilight Tattoo recognized soldiers from the Revolutionary War all the way to our war today, which is Afghanistan. After the show we were able to go and visit the soldiers on the field and take pictures with each soldier.
Twilight Tattoo presentation featuring soldiers throughout U.S. history.
4-Hers pose with Twilight Tattoo performer.
     Then afterwards we came to the 4-H Center and found a natural disaster in Tristan and Patrick's room after a bird flew in from a window and disposed his waste in the middle of the floor.

     Tristan and I strongly felt that today was the most informational day about our country's history.  We thought the scenery was the best in the Capitol buildings. Today was one of the best days for experiences, cause we probably wouldn't get another chance for the experiences we got today. 

Kyle and Tristan

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 5: Arlington National Cemetery and Action Plans

     Hey everyone! We are having a blast in DC! Of course we can't wait to come home, but today was fun! We started out at Arlington National Cemetery.  At Arlington National Cemetery we took a tour which included seeing the changing of the guard, and the Mast of the USS Maine.
Arlington National Cemetery.
4-Hers watched the changing of the guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Eternal flame at JFK gravesite.

      From there we went on to see the new Martin Luther King, Jr. monument, where we saw all of his quotes from all of his speeches that he gave, including one that they made a statue of, "Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope."

Martin Luther King, Jr. Monument.

     The Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial was not dedicated to Franklin D. Roosevelt because he stated in his will that he did not want any memorials dedicated to him. So this memorial is dedicated to his presidency, including waterfalls to symbolize his four terms of office and the difficulties the nation was going through at the time. One section also featured Fala, his loyal dog which kept the hopes of children high for when the nation would come out of the war.
FDR Memorial, which depicts Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his loyal dog, Fala.
4-Hers stood in the bread line at the FDR Memorial.
4-Hers at FDR Memorial.

     After we got back to the 4-H Center, we participated in a Town Hall, where we got into groups and discussed problems in our communities, and compared them to other group communities. After Town Hall we participated in a derby.  It's not what you think, and no we did not see cars crashing into each other, we participated in games like, water balloon volleyball, and drip drip drop.
Tug-of-War at Derby Fun Night.
Balloon Volleyball at Derby Fun Night.
4-Hers participated in a water game at Derby Fun Night.

     After the Derby we started our Action Plans as a delegation, which is taking what we've learned this week and placing it into our own communities. Afterwords we had Capitol Hill Day Orientation, to get us ready for Capitol Hill Day tomorrow!
Delegates participated in an Action Plan workshop.

Mallory and Niki

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 4: Committee Meetings and Nightview of Washington D.C.

     We woke up bright and early in the morning and went on a tour of Mt. Vernon and Iwo Jima Memorial.
4-Hers visited Mount Vernon--George Washington's Estate.
View from the back of Mount Vernon, overlooking the Potomac River.

     As we toured the Iwo Jima Memorial, we saw the six marines that raised the flag.
Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial.

     After lunch at the 4-H Center we all attended a Bill Writing Workshop and committee meetings.  We met many people from all over the United States...the Virginia kids were by far our favorite.  At the Bill Writing Workshop we wrote and finished bills to pass for the Mock Congressional session upcoming later in the week.  Later in the day we had the Talent Show Auditions. Dakota is one of many producers of the show and Kyle is the host of the show and a producer.

     After dinner we went on a night tour of DC. We saw many monuments including: Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean, WWII, and Thomas Jefferson Memorials.
4-Hers enjoyed a night view of Washington D.C. with the Washington Monument in the background.
World War II Memorial.
Delegates standing by the Kansas pillar at the World War II Memorial.
Vietnam Memorial.
Program Assistant, John, talked to the delegates about the Lincoln Memorial.
      That finished off day four of our CWF trip.

-Hallie and Dakota!(:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 3: Arrival in Washington D.C.

     Today we took a three hour Amtrak train ride from New York's Penn Station to Union Station in Washington D.C.  On the train we met the New York female lacrosse team. We talked with them for a long time.  Once we got off of the train one of the girls dropped her phone down onto the train track.

     After that we left on a charter bus and headed to the National Marine Corps Museum.
National Marine Corps Museum.
4-Hers viewed exhibits at the museum.

4-Hers touched a beam from the World Trade Center so they would always remember.

4-Hers touched a stone from the attack on the Pentagon for remembrance.

     When we were done there we left and came to the National 4-H center to begin the Citizenship Washington Focus workshop.  The delegates from eight states went to an opening meeting and then we split up into our different committee groups and went through the classes.

4-Hers met with their Program Assistant upon arrival at the National 4-H Center.

      After that we went to the pin trade and picked up numbers. Now we are about to go to sleep.
The group wore their purple Kansas shirts to the pin exchange and had a delegation huddle before bedtime.

Kurtis and Blake